Sahaj Healing has been conducting therapy sessions since 2015
Mrs. Rashhi Sharma has conducted 6000+ of personal therapy sessions Worldwide ( data collected till October 2022), which include face-to-face therapy sessions and Online Skype therapy sessions, for all age groups starting from 10-year-old kids.
She has helped people across 80+ countries in all the continents of the world. She has set the benchmark for 100% success rates in Online and Offline hypnotherapy sessions.
Before we share our Therapy Reviews.
Google Reviews
YouTube Reviews
In our next section, please understand what is a Therapy Session and what’s included in a Therapy session, when you decide to go ahead with us.
What’s a Therapy session, What are the types of therapy sessions conducted?
– For Personal Therapy or healing, individual healing sessions are conducted. Each session is a one-to-one interaction with Mrs. Rashhi Sharma, each session is very unique and the session duration is not fixed, it’s a real-time event and there are many factors that determine the length of the session.
The length of the session has no relation to the session quality or impact. In general, we can categorize sessions as-
The above picture summarizes what Hypnotherapy means for Soul Consciousness Lab. It means “allowing you to access the Subconscious Memories” in a Conscious state, a wakeful state.
Any moment which is past this very moment OR is in the future can be explored by the Hypnotherapy sessions with Mrs. Rashhi Sharma, and this is done in our Integrated Hypnotherapy sessions.
What makes us Unique about this approach?
It’s extremely difficult to get a highly qualified therapist capable of working at Advanced Levels in all the possible hypnotherapy modalities, which includes Transpersonal & Clinical Hypnosis, Future Life Progression & Life Between Lives hypnotherapy. Mostly we’ll find hypnotherapists who train in one or 2 of these modalities and that too not at an advanced level.
So, you’ll find therapists trained in a few of the below and doing sessions for only (though you’ll find every therapist mentioning these and more terms, they won’t be specifically trained and certified in these- so look very carefully about their training and background.
Inner Child Healing
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Age Regression
Womb Regression
Past Life Regression
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
Life Between Lives ( TNI USA copyrighted)
Future Life Progression
Future Life Progression & Life Between Lives is mentioned by almost every therapist, without having ANY sort of professional training or knowledge about these at all!
Mrs. Rashhi Sharma, however, is one of those rare therapists of the world who has excelled at the most Advanced Levels in all of these above areas and she has also excelled in other needed spiritual healing modalities which are as below.
Mrs. Rashhi is a world-renowned Trainer for all of these modalities and conducts Professional Residential Training programs for all of the mentioned modalities:
Click here to check her all Certifications and training.
Core Shamanism (internationally certified at Advanced Level by FSS USA in Thailand/Indonesia)
Self-Hypnosis and Manifestation
Psychic Work (internationally certified at Advanced Level by Anne Jirsch in UK/Dubai)
Intuition Expertise (internationally certified at Advanced Level by Anne Jirsch in UK/Dubai)
Akashic Records Reading
Out Of Body Experience
Astral Travel
Remote Viewing
Energy Medicine
Brain & Mind Sync
Spiritual Mediumship
Mrs. Rashhi is also an expert in the below modalities, but she humbly says that she doesn’t want to publicize these modalities as these are not CORE healing areas, these are only complimentary healing areas, and they assist at a very basic level, and are mostly temporary.. these are
Spiritual Tarot (Mrs. Rashhi has trained with the world’s renowned Psychic and Tarot reader- Anne Jirsch,, see Mrs. Rashhi’s association with Anne Jirsch on her profile page)
Astrology (Mrs Rashhi is one of those who never learned Astrology from books, she knew Astrology from birth. During her own PLR sessions, she was able to trace many lives where she was a powerful healer, astrologer, and spiritual guru !)
Reiki (Mrs. Rashhi is a certified Reiki Grandmaster)
So, the Uniqueness lies in her extraordinary abilities to be an expert in so many areas of healing, spiritual & psychic work, divination, esoteric areas, and her own highest levels of spiritual practices, which guide her and her Training & Therapy sessions, to make these very powerful, focused, efficient and life changing events!
How these are combined in her therapy sessions, please see below, with the session types and a brief of what is included in these sessions.
Please Note: What healing modalities are needed for your issues/queries and what would be done in the therapy session is decided by Only Mrs. Rashhi and not You please, so please call us to understand how it works.
General Therapy Session (Includes Hypnotherapy/Past Life Regression)
It Includes a combination of
Spiritual Regression- Current Life Regression, Inner Child Healing, Womb Regression, Age Regression
Past Life Regression
Psychic Healing
Note: Numerology/Tarot/Astrology/Chakra Healing/Pranic Healing, could be done during the session if needed, and its free. It’s not mandatory.
Therapy Session includes these or a combination of these based on requirement as decided by Mrs. Rashhi Sharma.
Fixed Fees/Session | Avg. time 3-4 hrs (not fixed)
Mode: Local and Online both are possible. Check our Skype Page for Online Sessions information.
Future Life Progression Therapy Session
Future Life Progression
Fixed Fees/Session | Avg. time 3-4 hrs (not fixed)
Mode: Local face-to-face and Online both possible. Check our Skype Page for Online Sessions information.
Clinical Hypnosis Session
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Fixed Fees/Session | Avg. time 1.5 to 2.5 hrs (not fixed)
Note: It does not include any spiritual regression, womb regression, past life regression, or inner child healing.
Mode: Local face-to-face and Online both possible. Check our Skype Page for Online Sessions information.
Spiritual Regression- Life Between Lives Therapy- LBL Session
This is a Copyrighted Session as done by The Michael Newton Institute (MNI) USA
Note: This session is done after a short PLR session, which is a very unique PLR designed only for LBL sessions.
Fixed Fees/Session | Avg. time 5-6 hrs (not fixed)
Mode: Local face-to-face and Skype (after discussion)
Click here to know about the LBL session done by Sahaj healing, Mrs. Rashhi Sharma
This also explains why the LBL sessions are done after PLR session only as per the process of TNI, USA, followed by Mrs. Rashhi Sharma
Akashic Records Reading
Fixed Fees/Session | 45 mins average
Mode: Local face-to-face and Online both possible. Check our Skype Page for Online Sessions information.
Shamanic Healing
Fixed Fees/Session | 1-1.5 hrs average | Or 3 Shamanic Healing sittings in 1 Session
Mode: Local face-to-face and Online both possible. Check our Skype Page for Online Sessions information.
NOTE: Regression and Progression Sessions are unique sessions, these can’t be combined together in one session.
An Important Question to Understand regarding the Life Between Lives therapy session with Mrs. Rashhi Sharma.
Q: I need a Life Between Lives therapy session to explore my Soul state. I have been told that LBL can be done only after a PLR session and not directly. However when I spoke with other PLR therapists, they said LBL is same as PLR and can be done anytime? I need to know what’s the difference in your LBL session, and why a PLR is needed beore LBL?
A: LBL session with Rashhi Sharma is not same as done by anyone who has not been trained by The Michael Newton, Institute, USA. The term LBL is a registered trademark first used by Dr Michael Newton who had done original research on LBL and have published the most acclaimed books on Life Between Lives.
It is to be noted that the LBL training with TNI USA is known as the Gold Standard in spiritual regression, the most advanced training course in this field. There are only 200+ certified therapists for LBL from TNI USA around the globe.
Whats LBL? Click here to read from TNI USA website, as we use the same methodology, as Rashhi Sharma is trained directly by The Michael Newton Institute, USA for the LBL Therapy.
The LBL session with Rashhi is the one developed by TNI USA and it is a very unique session where we focus only on the exploration of the soul state, the in between lives state. This is a long session with very unique and advanced technique which ensures you don’t fall back into a Past Life during the session.
In general every therapist uses the LBL term without even being trained in this work area. They may say that LBL state is normal during a PLR session, and that’s all right as we pass through LBL states during PLR sessions for various reasons. Now, that is not a LBL session though as the LBL state is automatic there, without the therapist’s control.
In the LBL session which are done as per TNI USA method, the LBL therapist ensures only a LBL state, a very deep hypnotic and spiritual state throughout the session, for 3-5 hrs!!
The below has link to the method and the explanation for the LBL session, that why we need o have a PLR session before LBL. Please explore it to know more.
Click here to understand in detail, Why LBL is done after PLR only.
Life Between Lives Therapy (This session is done after PLR only)
Fixed Fees/Session | Avg. time 5-6 hrs (not fixed)
Mode: Local face-to-face and Skype (after discussion)
Click Here to read Why LBL is done after a PLR only, the TNI way.
Ckick here to know about the LBL session done by Sahaj healing, Rashhi Sharma
This also explains why the LBL sessions are done after PLR session only as per the process of TNI, USA, followed by Rashhi Sharma
What therapies can be done Online and which needs a personal face to face interaction?
We have mentioned this in the above question. Also, for specific details of online therapy sessions and the reasons please visit our Skype Page for Online Sessions information.
What’s included in a Therapy Session?
– Each therapy session has 3 basic parts:
Initial discussion or consultation which includes a detailed discussion and detailed explanation of the specific therapy modality to be used in the session.
The healing session which can use one healing modality or many, based on the need.
Post discussion and detailed analysis along with next steps.
What’s the differentiation for the Therapy Sessions with Sahaj Healing?
At Sahaj Healing, Rashhi Sharma has devised a very Unique therapy modality, a first of its kind in this field!
– She combines the ESSENCE of many healing techniques during a session. These are not Just Stand-Alone Past Life Regression or Hypnosis or of any other Stand-Alone Healing Modality- NO! Below Explains Why?
– She is a Top Professional Expert working at the Most Advanced Levels in all the healing Modalities she deals with.
– She works as per the specific needs of the Client, and adjusts client to client, to ensure you are very comfortable and relaxed and the healing modalities are chosen as per your response system which suits you best in those conditions.
It is imperative to understand that every person is different, and responds in a very different way to the same healing method.
The reason is that everyone of us has a unique set of behavioral patterns, a unique response system as per the Ingrained Belief System developed over many lifetimes, which colors our Conscious Mind and is responsible for our own subconscious response. If the therapist uses a common approach for everyone, and is proficient in only a limited number of therapy Modalities, for example on each client every time, the therapist uses a Common PLR or Hypnosis Script, or a fixed step-by-step Approach or Method- OR is an expert only in PLR, OR Only in Hypnotherapy Or Only in Reiki etc…the results would be fixed, and Limited.. . The possibility to get to the root causes and the ability to heal all the aspects using the approach which is suited to the client… is limited, its Not Flexible!
Here at Sahaj Healing, we are targeting only 100% results in each therapy session– Meaning that each session, including the First Therapy session, should be a 100% successful one where the Client Regresses or Progresses (Hypnotic Trance) and Experiences the Healing, and there should not be any preparation needed to achieve all of this. A fixed approach with limited number of healing modalities, fails to achieve it, the results won’t be more than 50-60% !
So, the need is to have a 100% flexible and open approach for which she utilizes her vast experience, and profound natural abilities along with a unique method each time which suits the client, and this can combine “N” number of healing modalities- All during a single therapy session.
This approach always ensures that each healing session is:
Self Sufficient and a complete Healing Event. However, it does not mean that only 1 healing session is required for complete therapy. The number of sessions needed for any individual, for a specific issue or set of issues is not 1. It varies depending on many factors, and these are discussed in our FAQ’s page.
No Prior preparation is needed for a session with us. We often hear that for a hypnosis/PLR session, the clients ask “Please tell us what preparation is needed for the therapy session, as I may not be able to get into the hypnotic trance in the first attempt?”
The answer is: No specific preparation is needed with us for any session, like listening to a set of CDs’, or listening to Music, or doing meditation, or repeating a mantra, or affirmations- NOTHING!
Reason is that “It’s the therapist capability to ensure that you regress or progress and achieve a hypnotic trance state and never blame the client for not achieving it”
We understand that the client is going through tough issues in life, and he won’t be at peace mentally and emotionally, and his mind won’t be stable at the moment he approaches for help. He needs help, and can’t focus. If during the session, the therapist is unable to get the client to relax and achieve the hypnotic trance, it’s a failure on the part of the therapist not the client.
The only case where the client fails to regress/progress is when he/she is not willing to get into hypnosis and/or he/she doesn’t listen and follow the instructions. In such cases, the session is terminated immediately.
100% therapy success rates are achieved for each client in each session. It means that in the first session itself everyone undergoes Regression or Progression using Hypnotherapy, PLR or FLP and healing is done. This is a benchmark set by Sahaj Healing, and it’s possible because of the most advanced tools and procedures used and our unique therapy method.
No trial sessions ever: with Sahaj Healing, you don’t need any trial sessions ever, the reasons are above listed points, 1-3.
No therapy packages are provided/forced for therapy– We don’t have any packages, like a minimum of 3 sessions or 4 sessions-NO!
Why? As we understand that it’s impossible to generalize anything in this therapy. Even for the same issue, say depression, or OCD or skin allergies, or suicidal thoughts- everyone has different reasons, everyone has different past and past-lives, and everyone responds different to hypnotic suggestions, or accepts the revegetation’ differently!
And our aim is that you get healed in minimum time, with minimum number of therapy sessions. Suppose, when you can heal in only 1 or 2 sessions why do we need to have 3 or 4 sessions.
Note: Number of therapy sessions needed for complete healing are unique for each client and depends on many factors. Do read the FAQ’s page for the same.
Finally, it’s the open customer testimonials which helps to decide, so here are the links to our testimonials-
Past Life Regression, Hypnotherapy, , Life Between Lives, Future Life Progression, etc. Therapy Reviews
Professional Training Reviews
YouTube Channel for Free Guided Hypnosis, Meditation, Information Sharing, QnA, and More.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE Q n A, and all the DETAILED answers to the Therapy Process, What Happens in a session, Post Session, etc. You MUST read this completely before taking a session, as it answers many Complex questions and critical scenarios which help you to decide if you really want to book a session with us or not.
NOTE: We won’t be answerig any Question after the therapy session is done, the question which is already a part of this document. Once you book a session, you must read this, agree to all the terms and conditions and accept/understand completely everything which is detailed in this comprehensive GUIDE.